Herding dog demonstration

For several years we have been offering demonstrations of sheep herding dogs to liven up your events and make group discoveries, on the farm or on the move.

The service takes place for half a day, a day or over several days.

The means :
- sheep, which we can bring or provided by the organization
- restraint: net, barriers, straw bales, etc.
- our Border Collies
- possibly a microphone

The contents :
The activity takes place outdoors, on a flock of sheep.
It consists of presenting the different shepherd breeds, their natural qualities to the herd and the different stages of training a shepherd dog.

We intervene twice per half day for between 20 and 40 minutes depending on the enthusiasm of the public, with our Border Collies of different training levels.

Prices and conditions:
For a quote and more information
06 70 57 94 75

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